Do you know of a community, company, or organization that would benefit by having a Toastmasters Club? Introduce them to Toastmasters!  


Help the District by creating a warm lead—introduce the District to a real person who knows about Toastmasters and knows its potential for their organization and wants to build a club. Toastmasters calls this a Quality Club Lead. When you submit a quality club lead resulting in a successful demo and/or chartering of a new club, you may receive a district incentive for your efforts. So what are you waiting for? Take the challenge to grow with District 36.

For information about chartering a club, contact the District 36 Trio at

The Toastmasters Club Experience

  • Hands-on learning environment.
    • Practice prepared and impromptu speeches.
      • Receive feedback and evaluations in a supportive environment.
        • Experience in running time-efficient meetings.
          • Excellent networking opportunities.
            • Opportunities to lead at every meeting.
            • Access to a mentor.

Benefits of Starting a Toastmasters Chapter

  • Foster career advancement.
    • Augment existing training programs.
      • Provide employees with an added benefit.
        • Build team camaraderie.
          • Encourage employee retention.
            • Strengthen the leadership bench.
            • Boost team collaboration.

Start Your Chapter Today!

  • Identify at least 25 employees to join your chapter.
    • Meetings can be held virtually or in-person or as a combination of virtual/in-person, depending on the local jurisdiction guidelines and your venue restrictions.
      • Contact our District 36 Director for all assistance with seeking additional information, holding information meetings, talking to corporate decision-makers, the Toastmasters curriculum, the strategic plans and milestones for the chapter, along with its critical success factors.
        • Fill out and submit the requisite new club forms to World Headquarters.
        • Get ready to start your club off right! Visit the District 36 website for resources to build a successful club.