Club Officer Role

A club officer has a very important role within Toastmasters International. The success of a club and its members depend on how well you and your fellow club officers execute your responsibilities. By providing leadership and support, you can foster a positive environment that’s conducive to members’ personal and professional growth, allowing them to achieve their Toastmasters education program goals. There are eight leadership roles at the club level: president, vice president of education, vice president of membership, vice president of public relations, secretary, treasurer, sergeant-at-arms, and immediate past president.

Club Leadership Handbook

All officers are given the Club Leadership Handbook to learn more about their roles' expectations and responsibilities. You may access the handbook here:

Toastmasters Leadership Institute

A critical element to creating a successful district is providing effective training for club leaders and division and area directors. When club officers are well-trained to perform their duties, club members are better served. Officers may sign up for trainings with the district here:

Club Officer Agreement and Release Statement

In order to provide clear guidelines and expectations for club officers each program year, starting with the July 1, 2021 term, the Club Officer Agreement and Release Statement is signed by each club officer each term and retained with the club's records. This form will help the club and officers remain accountable to one another.