Ramu Garapati
District Director
Ramu has been a Toastmaster since 2013. He has been a member of multiple clubs in multiple districts. Ramu has served most of the roles in Toastmasters, including club officer, club coach, club sponsor, Area Director, Division Director, Logistics Manager, TLI Chair, Club Growth Director, and Program Quality Director with integrity, service, respect, and excellence. Ramu is a big believer in the Toastmaster platform as the source of continuous growth and excellence. His strengths are to bring new ideas to our district, improve process efficiencies, educate/train members, and mentor new generations of leaders. As Immediate Past Program Quality Director, Ramu led the Program Quality Team during an intense period of transition and transformation. His new priorities as District Director are to help District 36’s leaders and members grow at a faster pace.
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Arvind Venugopal
Program Quality Director
Arvind Venugopal joined Toastmasters in 2011. In his words, he initially joined to benefit from the educational program, and he has since stayed on for all the great people he has met, the friendships he has formed, and the leadership journey where he inspires and develops others along with developing himself. Arvind is currently serving as Program Quality Director for District 36 in the 2024/25 term year, and his vision is to lead by example, inspire members to transform, and help clubs achieve quality effectively through empathy and strategy. He has served multiple terms as Division Director including leading his Division to President's Distinguished District, multiple terms as Area Director, a term as District Public Relations Manager, has been a part of multiple District committees over the years, and most recently served as Club Growth Director for District 36 in 2023/24. Arvind has lived in two countries, is fluent in six languages, has multiple professional pursuits including product management, music, and public speaking with the common thread of service at its core. 
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Augusta Inniss
Club Growth Director
Augusta Inniss, DTM, has been a Toastmaster for eight (8) years. Ms. Inniss brings over 30 years of multifaceted expertise to District 36 Toastmasters and D36 Trio team, boasting a comprehensive background in steering cross-functional business operations and technology projects. Her national footprint in business and training positions her as a valuable contributor to The D36 Trio. Ms. Inniss, with a keen eye for fostering diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI), is at the forefront of managing DEI projects for various East Coast counties and municipalities. She plays a pivotal role in onboarding training, covering diverse topics to enhance collective understanding and commitment to DEI, providing recommendations for comprehensive employee training and specialized leadership development. In her day-to-day role, Ms. Inniss not only oversees program training but also focuses on building the business capacity of the client. Her adeptness in group facilitation and consensus-building shines, fostering relationships within the business community. With a strategic approach to project management, she has successfully navigated operational audits, compliance efforts, and post- mergers business restructuring. Ms. Inniss ensures project success through measures like Cost Management, Schedule Management, Project Reporting, Requirements Management, and Quality Assurance, consistently delivering outcomes in a timely, cost-effective manner. Beyond her managerial duties, Augusta Inniss embodies a commitment to excellence, underlined by assembling highly qualified project teams and leveraging proven corporate systems and methodologies. Her extensive Organizational Leadership experience, coupled with a results-oriented project management approach, distinguishes her as an asset to District 36 Toastmasters, D36 Trio and the broader community initiatives she leads. Ms. Inniss holds an MBA in Global Management and a BS in Business Administration and Management. She is in the process of completing her Doctorate in Organizational Leadership. Ms. Inniss is a professor at University of Phoenix in its Business School. She has over eight years facilitating various business e-learning (online) courses through the university’s Learning Management System (LMS).
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Gwen Miller
Immediate Past District Director
Gwendolyn Miller, affectionately known as “Gwen,” is an educator at heart she will pretty much teach anything you put in front of her. She is a Sunday school teacher and teaches Adult Sunday School every Sunday morning via Zoom. She just loves the whole concept of introducing information and watching people grasp that information and transmit it back to her, indicating that they understand what’s being taught. Gwen is a Christian, a daughter, a sister, an auntie and a mother she has one adult son who is the twinkle in her eye and her motivation to be all that she can be. Gwen is employed at AARP for over 11 years and works in Government Affairs with the Financial Security and Consumer Affairs team. She advocates for the 50 plus population on such issues as Social Security, Age Discrimination and Older Workers, Unemployment Issues, Retirement Security and Livable Communities. It is rewarding work, but it can be stressful at times. She finds relief from that stress by attending Toastmaster meetings. I still remember my first speech in October 2008 the title was “I Dance to the Beat of a Different Drum”. I remember telling myself -- “you better not pass out.” I finished my speech, and, some 13 years later, here I stand before you as your Club Growth Director. My journey over these 13 years have been amazing, I like the Servant Leader I have become. I am dedicated, devoted, determined, inspired and grateful for this opportunity. I understand strategic thinking and planning, achieving targets, team management and collaboration. I understand respect, patience, tact, creativity, Integrity and Tact. My experience in Toastmasters has been quite a journey. I have been Sergeant-at Arms, Vice President of Membership, Vice President of Education, Club President Area Director, and Division Director all several times. Although we were called Division Governors at that time. I have been TLI Dean, TLI Educational Coordinator, District 36 Conference Registrar, Club Growth Director, Program QUality Director, and now District Director. I have earned my DTM. Currently, I am a speech, HPL, and project away from my second DTM. I know this is a team effort and I am committed to working with The District Leadership to make this happen. It will take a lot of team collaboration, motivation and organization. But I know it’s possible. I am asking all of the members of District 36 who are not afraid of hard work to join with me in making District 36 the best District of 2023 and beyond.
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Hareldau Argyle King
Public Relations Manager
Coming Soon !
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Robert Behr
Finance Manager
Coming Soon !
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Ramona Williams
Administration Manager
Coming Soon !
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Logistics Manager
Coming Soon !
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Venkatramanan Krishnasami
Web Master
Venkatramanan has been a toastmaster since 2016. He has been a member of 6 clubs in 4 different districts. He has served as a Pathways Ambassador, District's Conference Co-Chair, Conference Committe Chair, Zoom Coordinators for multiple District Online events. A software engineer by profession, tennis player by passion and a public speaker in progression.
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