Would you like to be part of the 2022-2023 District 36 Leadership team? Do you know someone who would be a good leader for District 36? If you want the opportunity to grow in leadership, communication and management skills, consider running for an elected position and take on new challenges.
You can nominate yourself or someone else for the following positions that will be elected during the District 36 Annual Business Meeting. Click a link in the Reference Documents for more information and qualifications about each of these elected positions.
• District Director
• Program Quality Director
• Club Growth Director
• Division Directors: (7 to represent each Division in District 36)
To nominate yourself or someone else, please submit the following 4 items to the District Leadership Committee Chair Viki Kinsman, DTM, PID via sending a message to DLC@district36.org.
· District Leader Nominating Form
· District Leader Agreement and Release Statement
Look at these Reference Documents if you have more questions.
· District Leader Competencies
· District Qualifications and Responsibilities (also titled as the Call for Nominations document)
· District Leadership Committee
DEADLINE DATE FOR ALL SUBMISSIONS is Monday, January 31, 2022, 11:59PM EST
The District Leadership Committee (DLC) evaluates all candidates for District elected positions and nominates the best candidate(s). The committee must be equally represented by each Division in the District. The DLC chair does not represent a Division. The committee identifies and seeks qualified candidates to nominate.
After an application has been submitted, the application is reviewed and verified by the (DLC). The DLC Chair will schedule an interview with the candidates for each position. The candidates moving forward as nominated are given to the District Director to announce. Anyone not nominated by the DLC can run from the floor.
Toastmasters International (TI) has implemented the following process for floor candidates. Prior to running from the floor, a candidate for District Director, Program Quality Director, Club Growth Director, or Division Director must have completed the District Leadership Committee’s evaluation process in the same election cycle in which the candidate stands for election at the annual District Council meeting for that specific role. This change aligns the District process with the Toastmasters International Board election process.
Open District Leadership Positions
Qualified candidates may run from the floor for any position for which the District Leadership Committee (DLC) did not nominate the required number of candidates. Qualified candidates must notify the District Director seven (7) days prior to the Annual Business Meeting Elections of their intent to run from the floor. Any nominations made by the DLC are valid. Elections are scheduled for May 15, 2022.
Those positions open for qualified floor candidates for District 36 are:
Club Growth Director
Division Director
A floor candidate’s intent to run deadline is May 8, 2022. A completed Candidate Biography, photograph and the Officer Agreement and Release Statement must be submitted by that date and given to the District Director. These forms can be found on the District 36 website under District Leader Nominations (scroll up).
At the business meeting, floor candidates must be nominated by a member of the District Council. Floor candidates can self-nominate if they are a member of the District Council.
District 36 will hold a Candidate Showcase for all candidates on May 4, 2022. If a qualified floor candidate has declared an intent to run to the District Director by April 29, 2022, the qualified floor candidate can be included in the Showcase.